Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Grow Light

How are you growing through Life?

“Life always changing, ...it’s dynamic, ...the cells in your body are replacing themselves constantly, …you are never the same ‘you’, because you are constantly changing...the cells in your body have life spans...cells are always dying and being replaced by new cells...you are literally constantly growing and dying on the inside...the trick to health is to grow better”. These statements I seem to share often with the people I serve in my chiropractic practice Cafe of Life.

Did you ever stop to think about how amazing your body is? 50,000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells, all while you have been reading this sentence! In 1 square inch of skin there lie 4 yards of nerve fibers, 1300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, 3 million cells, and 3 yards of blood vessels. Nerve impulses between the body and brain can travel as fast as 286 miles per hour. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all of the world's telephones put together.

Wow, we are truly magnificent, and life is completely amazing. What is this wonderful and mysterious thing we call life? Well, one thing we know is that the life inside of us shows up as electrical energy in our nerve system. You see, the difference between a dead or alive person is the absence or presence of electrical energy in the nerve system.  For instance, if I was to pass away from a natural cause - my corpse would have all the right parts, and all the right chemicals for life, but it wouldn't have LIFE inside of it. As stated before, the difference between someone alive and someone dead is the electrical energy that travels over the nerve system, and it’s this energy in the nerve system that gives power and function to the body. All of the amazing and wonderful things your body does are regulated by this energy in your brain and nerve system. This is why I call brain and nerve energy – Life Energy.

The nerve energy in your body is what is used to give life to each and every cell of your body. Your nerve energy is responsible for growing, healing, repairing, and coordinating all function in your cells. The nerve energy in your body is like a grow light. Think of an indoor garden with grow lights. If the light is full and in the proper amount, the plants will grow well (with good soil (food) and water of course). If the lights are shut off, the plants will wither and die. If the lights are too intense, the plants will eventually burn out and die. What if the lights are dimmed? The plants will wither, become weak and unhealthy. Well, this same thing is what often happens in people. Our nerve energy can be dimmed or over produced, and over time, weaken and get unhealthy. This is why chiropractic care is so important, because it helps turn on the nerve energy in the full and proper amounts to every part of the body. And when your nerve energy is working best, you are at your best.

The major reason I work with the spine as a chiropractor is because I am interested in the nerve energy. Your spine affects your nerve energy and your nerve energy affects your life. Everything you think, say, or do is perceived and carried out through your nerve system - everything. Your nerve energy controls your heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, muscles, eyes...everything. Simply put, better nerve energy creates a better life. This is why using chiropractic care as a lifestyle choice for better health and well being is so much more exciting, fun, and powerful than just using it for pain relief. Find a chiropractor who promotes wellness and get yourself adjusted regularly to keep the grow lights inside you working for your best life now!

(this is a simple analogy used to relate non-chiropractors to the concept of subluxation. for detailed neurophysiological function of the spine and nerve system read The Science and Logic of Chiropractic by Verner and/or The 14 Foundational Premises TM for the Scientific and Philosophical Validation of the Chiropractic Wellness Paradigm by Chestnut)

Thank you for reading and God Bless.
-Scott Lloyd, Chiropractor

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