I am confident and know my expertise, which is healing, and I am here to serve others with love, education and skillful service.
There seems to be a wonderful awareness that the model of 'Health Care' is actually Sick Care. The current 'Health Care' system is an allopathic medical care system that is wonderful for emergency and crisis interventions. It saves lives!!! It is also great for buying time and helping people who need some assistance dealing with a symptom or 'disease process'. Sick care saves lives everyday in emergency situations. Sick care is amazing in acute injuries and first aid scenarios. Sick care helps in crisis, emergencies, acute injuries, etc. However, Sick Care has failed miserably when it comes to health. Chronic disease has risen dramatically in the last 70 years (per capita) even though our genes have not changed at all, and despite more drugs and surgery (per capita) being used each and every year. The sick care model has failed to address our health. People are realizing that they want to get out of Sick Care and into real Health Care. Actually, as mentioned earlier, there is a place for both types of care in your life, and knowing how and when to apply the appropriate type of care for the desired outcome you want is vital.
What about Health Care? What about healing, health, wellness, and wholeness? What about creating health in your body?
The chronic degenerative diseases that the modern world is plagued with is ridiculous!!! Our current 'health care' system here in the states is a failed system when it comes to health performance and quality of life. Read the reports; we spend more than any other country, have the best technology, the best drugs, the best surgeons etc etc etc ... yet we rate 37th in overall health performance http://www.photius.com/rankings/healthranks.html. Moreover, statistically speaking each person is disabled in some form or another by the age of 63.
There is a point in time when a person reaches enough awareness that they will want something better...and that is when the treatment merry go round will be over. Is this you? perhaps you have experienced or are experiencing right now the treatment merry go round; you have some problem and get treatment, then you have another problem and get another treatment, then you have another problem and get treatment and then another and so on and so on. You go round and round and never seem to ever get in a good state of health. You can choose to get off the Treatment Merry Go Round. This blog post is designed to guide you so that you have the confidence to get well and stay well.
I do believe wholeheartedly that you can heal, get well and stay well. You will be able to stay away from the 'merry go round' of treatment to treatment to treatment... Free yourself from the treatment 'merry go round' and get well.
Let's get started!!!
Remember, your body is made up of cells...cells make tissues...tissues make organs...and organs make systems. Your cells each have a lifespan rate; which means the 'stuff' in a cell and the whole cell itself will die off and be replaced by new cell 'stuff' and new cells in it's place. For example, your skin cells take around 5 to 7 days to cycle...your muscles, ligaments, and tendons about 4 to 6 weeks (that is why when someone sprains their ankle it is usually about 4-6 weeks before they are back to 'normal' when just resting)...your entire skeleton can take up to 36 months! http://www.hu.liu.se/ike/klinisk_kemi2/magnusson.
The good news is that most of your cells are replaced within a year!!! So, you can rebuild a new you within a year : )
When your cells are replaced with new cells there are basically three ways that this process can happen. The cells will either be replaced by cells which are 1) worse, 2) the same, or 3) better. All healing is done by replacing 'sick', injured, stressed, or 'diseased' cells with healthy cells (better cells).
So, you may ask, how can I get my cells to be replaced by better cells?
That is the million dollar question my friend. You will read below the best way I have found to do this. I challenge anyone to put this to the test for 6 months to a year. Prove it wrong. If you genuinely do this with an open mind, I bet you will be forever grateful.
If you really be and do the following; your cells will get well and stay well:
1) Move Well:
----Work on 'stretching' and joint mobility, joint integrity, strength, etc... by following one of these programs/books:
- Core Performance: core performance book
- Todd Durkin's IMPACT Body Plan: Impact Body Plan Book
-Innate Physical Fitness and Spinal Hygiene by James Chestnut http://www.thewellnesspractice.com/
-Ageless Mobility by Scott Sonnon http://www.agelessmobility.com/ ....
-Pain Free by Pete Egoscue http://www.egoscue.com/
-The Genius of Flexibility by Bob Cooley http://www.meridianstretching.com/
-Specific Stretching for Everyone by Aaron Mattes http://www.stretchingusa.com/
---- Receive ongoing chiropractic care from a wellness chiropractor, so that your spine moves well (call me to help screen people in your area)
----strengthen your body with functional full body movements. The two books above, core performance and IMPACT, will cover everything you need to know about moving well. Do calisthenics, functional training, WholyFit, Slo Flow, yoga, tai chi and pilate type of exercises, I do Matt Jennings Boot Camps *** the Best!...
----walk, swim, cycle, jog, interval train...get moving
2) Eat Well:
- eat 50% raw local organic fruits and vegetables (50% volume of food)
-add these supplements from innate choice - foundational supplements - (fish
oil, probiotics, Organic Sufficiency, A and D) http://www.innatechoice.com/
- get a juicer or a vitamix and juice raw organic fruits and vegetables (organic local farms preferred, and juice reds, greens, yellows, and orange (color spectrum))
- drink 2-3liters of kangen water a day http://www.newlifewater.com/
- eat organic free range grass fed meats (local farms preferred) or http://www.uswellnessmeats.com/
- do a cleanse twice a year
- my favorite books on the subject are The Innate Diet and The Paleo Answer
3) Think Well:
---- think more and more loving thoughts of connection - joy - gratitude - and embrace life with love
---- start a gratitude journal. record each day what you are grateful for
---- reprogram your brain:
-The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton http://www.brucelipton.com/
-Evolve Your Brain by Joe Dispenza http://www.drjoedispenza.com/
-renew your mind daily http://scottlloyd.blogspot.com/2008/05/scriptural-prayers-of-affirmation.html
4) Optimize your Life/Nerve Energy:
- keep a clear and fully connected nerve system that integrates and processes all of your life with efficiency, precision, and ease by receiving ongoing chiropractic care from a principled chiropracTOR http://www.thewellnesspractice.com/products/14_foundational_premises.cfm
this is the MOST underlooked area of peoples health! How great can nutrition work in the body if there is interference in the nerve system coordinating digestion and assimilation? ChiropracTIC is about Human Performance and Optimal Function... (call me if you would like me to screen the chiropractors in your area) please read this for further explanation: Spinal Hygiene..."All Systems Go!"
5) Spiritual Connection:
- recognize and grow your spiritual connection. Have a living relationship with God that is ongoing and 'talk' with God daily; pray and meditate.
6) Rest Properly:
- allow yourself to sleep well supported, with sufficient amounts of rest
7) Create loving nurturing relationships:
- healthy interaction with others
8) Have FUN!:
-Laugh and have a Joyful Heart
- make time to be creative and let inspiration flow...allow yourself to imagine opportunity and possibility...work on a project for fun
- make time for recreation...enjoy participating in your favorite hobbies and activities...take a vacation
I also incorporate in my life ongoing Bodywork (massage) - from the standpoint of function in the body vs treatment of some sort of symptom....massage for the purpose of clearing out any muscle and fascial restrictions, so that you function better. I do what I do because I want my 'system' to function better, which leads to optimal function in my body and mind...and that is true health!
Lastly, and most importantly KNOW THYSELF. Know your identity, the real you inside your body-mind. The core of you, the essence, the divine power that took a sperm and an egg from your mother and father and created you! I am a Christian, we call this Spirit, and specifically being in the Spirit of Christ in God the Father allowing the Holy Spirit to move in my life! We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience...our Body-Mind is a Vehicle that carries our Spirit, what kind of vehicle do you want? A broken down junker or a fine tuned beauty?
When you apply all the things written about in this post, and when you be these things... YOU WILL HEAL!!! It takes time and it takes work. If you do these things everyday, every week, and make this your lifestyle, YOU WILL HEAL!!!
The Trick: is to only focus on adding good stuff into your lifestyle. Instead of eliminating things you crave or enjoy, only add good stuff...example: eat raw vegetables with every meal instead of eliminating the donuts or ice cream or chips or cookies or soda. Focus only on adding good stuff in, and through time your cravings will slowly change. Make this a year project, and go slow and steady. Pick one thing a month to focus on. Each month add a new thing into your lifestyle and by the end of the year you will have 12 new things working for your increased health and well being! For example: 1st month - chiropractic, 2nd - a cup of raw vegetables with every meal, 3rd - start core performance or IMPACT, 4th - pray and meditate, 5th - commit to taking time for a hobby, 6th - juice or vita mix the color spectrum (red, green, yellow, orange, purple, blue), 7th - start a gratitude journal, 8th - focus on communicating something loving to each of your loved ones, 9th - probiotics, 10th - do a cleanse, 11th - Foam Roll (self myo-fascial release, in both books-core performance and IMPACT), 12th - make sure you are getting proper rest. Now in now way is this intended as a must do in this order...create your own 12 month plan. Start with something easy and build up each month! Remember the trick is adding good things, focusing on putting good into the 'system'!!!
Lastly, healing and treatment are different. Healing, regaining your health and well-being is a process and takes time. Once you heal and regain your health, keeping yourself well is a lifestyle, a being-ness that motivates the doing-ness that continues keeping yourself healthy and strong. You can do it, this is a reality for you.
many blessings,
BRAVO Dr. Scott! Finally someone is telling the truth in a way that allows people to see, hear, feel and know it for themselves! There is definitely a difference between simply "preventing death" and "saving lives." Your detailed and comprehensive approach will allow people to gradually express levels of health and life they may have only dreamed of until now!
Dr. Kevin Donka, Chiropractor and internatioanlly known author, teacher and speaker
thanks brother...good job...your article is informative and practical....also, your care and concern for your fellow man is evident...I am finding that when i am truly aware of the grace, mercy, and love all around me and in me through Jesus Christ, I become more aware of my need for wellness in all areas of my life...i am eating well, and as I realize God is in control, I think well, and i need to move better...lots of love and thanks,
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