Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Five Core Principles for Your Health and Well-Being

1. You are more than your physical body. Your physical body is the temple of your spirit...the vehicle you have been given, in which you experience and express your true purpose and full potential in life.  You are a unique divine intelligent creation – a loving energetic being – there is intelligent miraculous Life Energy inside of you that is designed to help you be your best.

2. Life is a continuous process. Everything in life is constantly changing, including your body. In every moment you are either growing stronger or weaker. In every moment you are either moving towards greater levels of health, wellness, and wholeness or away from health, wellness, and wholeness.

3. The strength of your body at any given moment is determined by how fully you are expressing your Life Energy. Maximizing the expression of your Life Energy in your body automatically brings increased levels of health and so much more.

4. Three things are necessary to maximize the expression of your life energy in your body and keep you growing stronger. These three things are: a positive mental focus, a healthy lifestyle, and clear neurological connections between your brain and body.

5. A spine that is functioning properly (aligned and moving well) is necessary to maintain clear neurological connections and a free flow of life energy in your body.

The purpose of chiropractic care is to help you maximize the expression of your life energy in your body.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Cultural Doubt and Unbelief Needs to be Shattered

I was reflecting on the intentions I have, in regards to my ChiropracTIC career.  I am leading as many people as possible to higher levels of health and well-being through chiropracTIC and sharing the truth about health, healing and well-being. These intentions are not so easy to attain. For a few underlying reasons there is a tremendous amount of doubt and unbelief about what chiropracTIC is and does. My level of passion and commitment to the community is high, however, much bias and cultural hypnosis exists.

After reflecting on this I have realized a unique thing about people this day and age. It is an abnormally high level of doubt and unbelief that high levels of health and well-being are obtainable.  People have lost the understanding that health is our natural state. Also, there is an unusual amount of cynicism towards health, healing, and well-being.

People seem to be clueless that they were born to be healthy and vibrant. They really are being led to believe that their bodies are weak and broken, life is sickness, and that they will most likely crawl into the grave after suffering some life robbing illness. That’s the way they see most other people going, so they don’t expect anything else. Not only do they expect nothing better but … they do nothing to change the ‘normal’ path to sickness, degenerative disease and death.

This has caused me to realize the seriousness of my work – literally - people are dying because of faulty beliefs about how the body works, how health is cultivated, and what healing is! No Joke, most people are slowly ‘wilting and withering’ over time into a sickly state and continue to get worse over time. This kind of living robs most people of the quality of life they deserve and moreover puts them to any early death. ChiropracTIC offers a ABOVE DOWN INSIDE OUT PHILOSOPHY that allows anyone to choose a paradigm of Vitalistic Living as a solution to health and well-being!  People need to hear it this! The cultural hypnosis, cynicism, doubt and unbelief needs to be broken by the truth. It needs to be shattered by changed lives, restored health, and vibrant living.

I am ensuring you that I am committed to helping people get a higher quality of life that is healthy and vibrant! I am even expecting that YOU will pick up the ball and work with me to break through the attitudes that are killing people (killing most people slowly and steadily -- Chronic Degenerative Disease).

There is a reason that our country spends the most on ‘health’ care yet ranks 37th in overall health performance. The current mindset of doubt and unbelief about health and healing has become a cultural paradigm towards health and 'health care' that is really 'sick care'.  This 'sick care' model is perpetuated by the pharmaceutical industry which advertises to the general public by the tune of over 19 million dollars a day, along with the pharmaceutical reps educating and influencing medical doctors about the ‘benefits’ of their drugs (through sloppy science that gives relative data, not absolute data).

For the record, of course drugs and surgery are necessary and valuable and have a absolute place in helping people...i.e., in crisis, first aid, emergency, traumas etc... however, the current way drugs and surgery are practiced in our society is a major is out of control. For instance, What drug or surgery is going to cure a sickness or disease that results from vertebral subluxation? What drug or surgery is going to cure a sickness or disease that results from being deficient in nutrition?  What drug or surgery is going to cure  a sickness or disease that results from not exercising?  What drug or surgery is going to cure a sickness or disease that results from chronic emotional stressors?

Your family, your neighbors, your co-workers and your friends all need to be lead to higher levels of health. Let’s commit to showing them the love and encouragement necessary so they give up their old beliefs that are not working and open up to a new and better life. Transformation is possible!  Let’s help people get well and stay well!

Whatever needs to be done, to get the people in our community under regular chiropracTIC care and Above Down Inside Out lifestyle wellness education…let’s do it.  Their life, in this life, depends on it. My intention is to help as many people as possible live a life with higher levels of health and well-being, and to do that I need your help too! Keep encouraging your friends and family and together we will see attitudes and lives transformed!

God Bless!