Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Who wants the best for their kids? Who doesn't...right?

I sure want to provide my kids with as many opportunities that allow them to be their best!

Roger Sperry, the recipient of the Nobel Prize in 1982 for his work in brain research, stated the more structurally distorted we are, the less energy we have for metabolism, for healing and for thinking. 

Proper movement of the spine is required for proper brain function, specifically the coordination of activities such as concentration and learning, emotions, motor control and organ function (including immune organs).  Literally, we are wired for proper movement in order to be our best!  An amazing 50% of this wiring comes from segmental spinal movement (individual spinal bones)!

Spinal segments that are not moving in complete ranges of motion can have a negative impact on how the brain processes neurological input.
This alteration to the spinal joint mechanics sometimes happens during the birthing process and/or when children learn to walk.  With respect to birth, even the most natural births are somewhat traumatic to the infant and may cause damage. As far as learning to walk, did you ever see some of the falls associated with learning to walk?  My little guy taught me first hand why parents that want the best for their kids would do well getting their kids spines checked by a chiropractor. 
The faulty spinal joint mechanics and damage does have to cause any obvious symptoms, changes can be subtle and gradual leading to problems with time.
Decreased or altered spinal movement causes decrease stimulation of the brain, and in childhood has been linked to central motor impairment, developmental impairments, learning disabilities, concentration problems like ADHD, behavioral problems such as violence and increased illnesses such as ear, nose and throat infections, sleeping difficulties and colic.

It should now be obvious why it is so important to ensure every child has properly moving and aligned spine.  I adjust my kids regularly, because I want to provide them with as many opportunities that allow them to be their best!

for more info: 

original content and inspiration from Dr Jamie Richards, Cafe of Life London: http://www.cafeoflifelondon.com/

Thanks Jamie!


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