Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Choices...Relief, Prevention, Wellness

In 'Health Care' you may here about relief, prevention, and wellness. Let's explore...

Relief - mostly everyone who is in some sort of pain or discomfort obviously wants relief...I certainly do whenever I have in pain. However, when relief is the only aim it becomes a shortsighted objective which often times leads to greater problems in the end. 'Relief Only' type of care is usually addressing only the symptoms instead of the cause. This is an old paradigm of care and it is outdated, costly, temporary, and shortsighted.

Prevention- Prevention is a word that gets thrown around a lot. Most people associate prevention with a more expensive/more advanced diagnostic test designed to detect a problem that has already happened at an 'early stage'. So I ask this question: If it has been detected did it get prevented? Therefore I say prevention or preventative care is a type of care that helps prevent something from happening - at any stage. This would include healthy lifestyle choices like exercise, eating nutrient dense whole foods from the earth rather than a package, thinking loving thoughts and keeping a positive affirmative mental attitude, dental hygeine, spinal hygeine (spinal exercises and chiropractic), etc. the difference I think between prevention and wellness is two things: 1) the mindset - focusing on preventing something rather than focusing on being at your best. This thinking tends to keep the focus on the 'diseases' or problems which tends to keep someones mindset 'tuned into' all the diseases and problems, which ultimately limits someone. The wellness and prevention lifestyle choices would be the same, perhaps with wellness the goal is to optimize health which leads to engaging in lifestyle choices more frequently than prevention.

Wellness- Recognition that we need to engage in lifestyle choices that create harmony and balance in mind, body, and spirit so we may be at our best and get the most out of life! Being your best! When we engage in wellness choices, then we focus on being our best, which creates a very empowering mindset. When OPTIMIZING HEALTH is the goal LOOKING GREAT and FEELING GREAT is the natural byproduct!!!

What do you want for your life? Perhaps changing your focus and paradigm when it comes to health is what makes most sense to you...GO FOR IT - this is your day - Carpe Diem!

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