Monday, June 27, 2011

-------The Sleeping Giant for Health Care Cost Savings-------

A four year study was done to estimate the cost benefit of chiropractic coverage for an insurance company. This study revealed that inclusion of chiropractic benefits in a managed care plan results in a reduction in overall utilization of health care resources and cost savings.  In this study, chiropractic care was utilized 33 times more than medical care.  They estimate an annual reduction of $16 million dollars in people with chiropractic coverage as a result of lower utilization of high cost items, and this was a conservative estimate. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ONE INSURANCE COMPANY out of San Diego, CA - American Specialty Health Plans Inc. - 
This is only one company and chiropractic can give it 16 million a year in savings!!!

Reference: Legorreta, AP, MD, MPH...Archives of Internal Medicine 2004; 164 October 11, 2004 pages 1985-1992.

THIS IS AMAZING!  Chiropractic is AWESOME! 

Illustration by Nata Metlukh


Healthfit said...

Nice Info, Many studies of treatments used by chiropractors have been conducted, with conflicting results. Though some Chiropractors claim a variety of benefits, existing research only supports the effectiveness of manual therapy for the treatment of low back pain, neck pain, some forms of headache and some extremity joint conditions.
Chiropractors Boca Raton

ScottLloyd said...

true, there are many studies that have different designs and different questions being posed. This study was a great one in the fact that chiropractic was used as a primary form of care for not only aches and pains, but for asymptomatic care benefit too. 33 times more utilization and a crazy savings at that. Perhaps the reason many studies conflict is that they are using visit protocols based on limited care. It seems that the frequency specific models that have been used beyond the 6 to 12 visit parameters have shown great results! (i.e.: Mitch Haas's study)
thanks for the comment
be well