A four year study was done to estimate the cost benefit of chiropractic coverage for an insurance company. This study revealed that inclusion of chiropractic benefits in a managed care plan results in a reduction in overall utilization of health care resources and cost savings. In this study, chiropractic care was utilized 33 times more than medical care. They estimate an annual reduction of $16 million dollars in people with chiropractic coverage as a result of lower utilization of high cost items, and this was a conservative estimate. KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ONE INSURANCE COMPANY out of San Diego, CA - American Specialty Health Plans Inc. -
This is only one company and chiropractic can give it 16 million a year in savings!!!
Reference: Legorreta, AP, MD, MPH...Archives of Internal Medicine 2004; 164 October 11, 2004 pages 1985-1992.