What do Hypertension, Tooth decay, Cancer, and Subluxation have in common? Feeling
That's right, feeling.
When does a person feel hypertension, tooth decay, cancer, and subluxation?
The answer is: after the dis-ease process has been breaking the body down for a long period of time, then one feels 'it'. The point is this: basing your health on how you feel is shortsighted and often costly. Optimal health is optimal function, just as good health is good function, and poor health is poor function... health = function = homeostasis (balance, harmony, and ease on a cellular level).
Some of you may be asking what is a subluxation anyway?
Subluxation is stress adaptation in the body that results in misalignments, tension, and/or loss of motion in one or more of the spinal segments. Simply put, when the spine is not working as good as it could.
Subluxation = misalignments, tension, and/or loss of motion in any of the spinal segments due to stress (physical stressors, emotional stressors, and chemical stressors). This stress and tension in the spine puts stress and tension in the nerve system. And when the nerve system has stress and tension in it, the brain and body communication system gets interfered with, causing the body to not work properly and breakdown. In addition, stress and tension in the spine puts stress and tension in the nerve system causing a decrease in nerve energy to the body, which in turn causes the body to breakdown and not work properly.
This is one of the reasons why chiropractors educate people about the importance of regular chiropractic care. Because damage can occur to your body without you even feeling it. I often teach this simple fact: you only feel 10% of your nerve system because 90% is for function and 10% is for feeling. This means 9 out of 10 times when there is stress and tension in the spine causing stress and tension in the nerve system you will feel nothing, zip, zero, nada!!! Subluxation, just like cancer, heart disease, and tooth decay will show no signs or symptoms for long periods of time even though damage is being done on a cellular level. People often feel great for years to only find out one day that they have some major health problem that went undetected for years. This is why we urge you to get your spine checked even when you feel great.
You see, regular chiropractic care is so important for your overall well being. Regular chiropractic care along with regular spinal hygiene exercises is like brushing and flossing the spine. Just like brushing and flossing the teeth, it is wise to 'brush and floss' the spine. Just like good dental hygiene is important, so is good spinal hygiene. As a matter of fact, it is my humble opinion that it is more important to have good spinal hygiene because teeth are replaceable and the spine isn't.
I really do hope you are feeling me on this one.
It is good spinal hygiene that prevents spinal degeneration, nerve interference and total body breakdown. If you have not already considered this, please consider making chiropractic care a healthy lifestyle choice for you and your family. Participate regularly. Regular chiropractic care is a proactive approach to being healthy, preventing disease and promoting well being.
-- Many Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Scott Lloyd, Chiropractor Cafe of Life Helping Families Create Health, Happiness, & Well Being www.scottlloyd.info
The video below has some good humor in order to make a point. It is a simple way to explain the Hunter Gatherer Diet...The Paleo Answer Book is a must have, and the Innate Diet Book is the best textbook on the subject of Nutrition. These two books are highly recommended. ...lastly, the video is on point and very entertaining!!!
Even though I have a disagreement (i do believe there is enough evidence that non-commercial grass fed free range organic wild meat is healthy for us)...This is a great interview...Enjoy.
Proper structure of the spine is required for proper function of the nervous system as it relates to the control and regulation of global physiology (total body function) and health. - from the book: The 14 Foundational PremisesTM for the Scientific and Philosophical Validation of the Chiropractic Wellness Paradigm. James L. Chestnut B.eD., MSc., D.C., CCWP
The nerve system consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and neurotransmitters. Your nerve system is what is used by the intelligent life inside of you to control and coordinate all functions in your body. All systems in the body communicate with each other and the brain via the nerve system. The nerve system is known as the master control system, it controls and regulates everything…the immune system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, muscular system, skeletal system, reproductive system, and excretory system all need the nerve system to function properly so they can function properly.
The spine protects the spinal cord and allows nerve roots to exit and branch out to all areas of the body. The spine is designed to move and be in alignment. When the spine is aligned and moving well there is clear and optimal nerve system energy and function. When the spine is misaligned and/or restricted in movement there is interference in nerve system energy and function. This is vital, since the nerve system is the master system that controls and coordinates all functions of the body, it is very important to take care of the spine because the spine directly affects the nerve system. In short, the spine affects the nerve system, and the nerve system affects the whole body!
When the spine is misaligned or restricted in movement it is called a subluxation. This loss of motion and/or alignment in the spine causes the body to break down at an increased rate. Specifically, a subluxation causes: 1) a decrease in health promoting signals to the brain (proprioception) 2) an increase in stress signals to the brain (nocioception) 3) a break down and degeneration of the spine and related structures 4) an interference in nerve system function and energy. 5) overall breakdown and degeneration of the whole body (systems, organs, tissues, and cells)
Good spinal hygiene clears out subluxations in the spine. Good spinal hygiene requires these two things on an ongoing basis: 1) exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine (core spinal hygiene exercises) 2) and MOST IMPORTANTLY chiropractic adjustments to remove interference to the nerve system. The intelligent life inside of you uses these adjustments to get the spine aligned and moving properly (free up any restrictions in movement of the spine). ChiropracTIC and core spinal hygiene exercises work together to retrain the spine into optimal alignment and allow freedom of movement on each spinal level.
When chiropractic and core spinal hygiene exercises are performed regularly it removes nerve interference, restores proper spinal function, restores proper nerve system function, which in turn restores proper function to all systems in the body…
When you have good Spinal Hygiene, you have Clear Nerve System Energy and Function, and you have "ALL SYSTEMS GO!".
I want to share this video with everyone. At first it seems that the US medical experts interviewed are right...however, watch the whole video...I wish the doctors and medical experts in the US would learn some valuable lessons here. I care very deeply for those suffering with physical ailments and diseases in this world, please watch, thank you.
In 'Health Care' you may here about relief, prevention, and wellness. Let's explore...
Relief - mostly everyone who is in some sort of pain or discomfort obviously wants relief...I certainly do whenever I have in pain. However, when relief is the only aim it becomes a shortsighted objective which often times leads to greater problems in the end. 'Relief Only' type of care is usually addressing only the symptoms instead of the cause. This is an old paradigm of care and it is outdated, costly, temporary, and shortsighted.
Prevention- Prevention is a word that gets thrown around a lot. Most people associate prevention with a more expensive/more advanced diagnostic test designed to detect a problem that has already happened at an 'early stage'. So I ask this question: If it has been detected did it get prevented? Therefore I say prevention or preventative care is a type of care that helps prevent something from happening - at any stage. This would include healthy lifestyle choices like exercise, eating nutrient dense whole foods from the earth rather than a package, thinking loving thoughts and keeping a positive affirmative mental attitude, dental hygeine, spinal hygeine (spinal exercises and chiropractic), etc. the difference I think between prevention and wellness is two things: 1) the mindset - focusing on preventing something rather than focusing on being at your best. This thinking tends to keep the focus on the 'diseases' or problems which tends to keep someones mindset 'tuned into' all the diseases and problems, which ultimately limits someone. The wellness and prevention lifestyle choices would be the same, perhaps with wellness the goal is to optimize health which leads to engaging in lifestyle choices more frequently than prevention.
Wellness- Recognition that we need to engage in lifestyle choices that create harmony and balance in mind, body, and spirit so we may be at our best and get the most out of life! Being your best! When we engage in wellness choices, then we focus on being our best, which creates a very empowering mindset. When OPTIMIZING HEALTH is the goal LOOKING GREAT and FEELING GREAT is the natural byproduct!!!
What do you want for your life? Perhaps changing your focus and paradigm when it comes to health is what makes most sense to you...GO FOR IT - this is your day - Carpe Diem!
A Severe Accident Crushed His Spine in Multiple Places, He Healed Without Surgery-By using his BRAIN-and did the MIRACULOUS...
....Voilent Video Games, what are they doing to Your Child's BRAIN...How does Mind over Matter really work?...What is the Mind-Body Connection...GREAT TO WATCH THIS ONE!!!
Bruce Lipton's recent advances in cellular science are heralding an important evolutionary turning point. For almost fifty years we have held the illusion that our health and fate were pre-programmed in our genes, a concept referred to as genetic determinacy. Though mass consciousness is currently imbued with the belief that the character of one's life is genetically predetermined, a radically new understanding is unfolding at the leading edge of science. Cellular biologists now recognize that the environment, the external universe and our internal physiology, and more importantly, our perception of the environment, directly controls the activity of our genes. This video will broadly review the molecular mechanisms by which environmental awareness interfaces genetic regulation and guides organismal evolution.
It would be nice if more and more Pediatricians caught up with the evidence, research, and logic that this medical doctor has...instead, most Pediatricians learn only from the 'trusted' AMA and pharmaceutical reps 'scientific studies'.
The nerve system is the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and neurotransmitters. The nerve system is the master system in the human body. Whatever you call it (Spirit for me), the Spirit/Power/Life Energy/Chi (etc. etc.) that makes us Alive uses the nerve system to control and coordinate all human physiology...it is what makes the mind and body work properly! The nerve system is the medium used to carry our Life Energy that is encoded with information, in the form of mental impulses, from the brain cells to the tissue cells and from the tissue cells back to the brain cells. It is the 'Innernet'.
It is by far the most important system of our body.
The spine and nerve system go hand in hand. The spine is loaded with mechanoreceptors (a neurological relay system to the brain that monitors spinal movement and function). These receptors greatly influence brain function. When the spine is functioning properly, the whole nerve system benefits - and when our whole nerve system benefits our whole being benefits. The spine is so important for overall health, healing and well being.
The spine houses and protects the spinal cord, which is the information highway of our being. It is not only the “health key board” of our body but also is its support structure; just like the “spine” of a building.
The spine is our back, which is what is behind us: our past! The spine harbors all the past experiences we could not properly process and integrate. It is also where we carry everything that we do not want the world to see. It is where we store our “baggage” and our stresses. Many past patterns that no longer serve us lay stagnant, stuck there, affecting our being and physiology.
Let me apply this to you and your life. Think about this: The specific chiropractic adjustment process restores the neurological connections between your brain and body back to optimal levels. The adjustments allow your 'Innernet' and 'human computer' to process and integrate the complexity in your daily life with ease and efficiency. With lifestyle chiropractic care you will increase your inner resistance and resilience, keeping yourself strong on the inside. With ongoing adjustments stress and tension is consistently released and a new physiology emerges, a new quality of life is available, a new “you” unfolds, healing is possible.
Thanks to Arno Burnier for allowing this article to be reproduced (and slightly changed with a personal touch... : ) )