Your Invitation:
There is only one way to get well, and that is healing. Treating and healing are very different. The goal of treatment is to make a symptom go away or feel better. The goal of healing is to have the body replace sick/injured/diseased cells with healthy cells. Healing is done through the law of cellular get the sick cells to be replaced by healthy cells.
So, the focus in healing is not so much "how can I feel better", rather it is how can I get my cells healthier.
We are designed to be self regulating, self healing, and self repairing...the healing power is already in us. The healing power that is life activates our DNA to express helath. The problem is that we live so far from what we need genetically in terms of eating, exercise, and thinking that we are slowly destroying ourselves through time. Now is the time to get your life back!!!
If you want, I have a proposition for you. I am looking for people with health challenges, diseases, sicknesses, etc to participate in a program. The program trial is 6 months long. I am going to exchange my services and time with the participants for the consent to use their testimonials about the program in promotions, marketing etc. I need willing people to consider participating in this program. You see, the big picture is this: If God is calling me to help people, and I know God is, then people need to know they can be helped. This is a way to show people it can be done. And the end result is that many people in the future will get their physical-mental-emotional life back, through a ministry that is built on God's design, which will bring glory to God.
I am confident that I can help you get your physical-mental-emotional life back. Would you consider praying about this and let me know what God speaks to you.
many blessings
watch these video and be inspired to what is possible!!! People reversed their diabetes in 30 days!!!
This blog site is designed to facilitate healing, health, wellness, and wholeness.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Scriptural Prayers of Affirmation

Scriptural Prayers of Affirmation:
Thank You God that I am blessed - I am healed - thank you God
I am in the overflow of God's blessings, grace and love.
God is for me - the love and the light of God is moving through me.
Thank You God for the righteousness of Christ…I am totally accepted by God.
Thank You God that you have placed Christ Jesus in my Spirit....I am powerful and strong because I am dead to sin and alive to God. I am alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Spirit of Almighty God lives in me.
I am an heir of God and co-heir with Christ and because of this my life has great significance and value.
I am More than a Conqueror through Christ who loves me.
In Christ, I have been given full authority over all principalities and powers. I am capable and adequate and more than enough in Christ.
My life is joined in Christ. I am secure in this world. I have everything I need.
Right now, God is meeting all of my needs and I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. I am blessed, Thank You God.
Because of Christ’s sacrifice, I have been made holy, God's perfection is in me.
I am sanctified, reedemed, made righteous, and I am a completely forgiven child of God.
God's wisdom and understanding is mine.
I am secure and loved in this world because of Christ’s redemption.
I am strong, capable, secure and loved. I am capable of loving, forgiving and my life has tremendous worth and value.
Jehovah Jireh - the God of more than enough is providing everything for me
Jehovah Rophe - the Lord Heals - I am Healed
Jehovah Shalom - the Lord is Peace - I am Peace
Elohim - the Powerful God - I am in God's Power
El Shaddai - Almighty God - I praise your name in thanksgiving and gratitude
Thank You God that I am blessed - I am healed - thank you God
I am in the overflow of God's blessings, grace and love.
God is for me - the love and the light of God is moving through me.
Thank You God for the righteousness of Christ…I am totally accepted by God.
Thank You God that you have placed Christ Jesus in my Spirit....I am powerful and strong because I am dead to sin and alive to God. I am alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Spirit of Almighty God lives in me.
I am an heir of God and co-heir with Christ and because of this my life has great significance and value.
I am More than a Conqueror through Christ who loves me.
In Christ, I have been given full authority over all principalities and powers. I am capable and adequate and more than enough in Christ.
My life is joined in Christ. I am secure in this world. I have everything I need.
Right now, God is meeting all of my needs and I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. I am blessed, Thank You God.
Because of Christ’s sacrifice, I have been made holy, God's perfection is in me.
I am sanctified, reedemed, made righteous, and I am a completely forgiven child of God.
God's wisdom and understanding is mine.
I am secure and loved in this world because of Christ’s redemption.
I am strong, capable, secure and loved. I am capable of loving, forgiving and my life has tremendous worth and value.
Jehovah Jireh - the God of more than enough is providing everything for me
Jehovah Rophe - the Lord Heals - I am Healed
Jehovah Shalom - the Lord is Peace - I am Peace
Elohim - the Powerful God - I am in God's Power
El Shaddai - Almighty God - I praise your name in thanksgiving and gratitude
"I am God's child (John 1:12 )
I am Christ's friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17 )
I am bought with a price (1 Cor. 6:19 -20)
I am a saint (set apart for God).(Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt and light of the earth (Matt. 5:13 -14)
I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27 )
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil.3:20)
I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31-34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor.5:17-21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph 2:18)
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom.8:35-39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor.1:21-22)
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8: 28)
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16)
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12)
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13)
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God's co-worker (1Cor.3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship (Eph.2:10 )
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected (Phil. 1: 5)
I have been redeemed and forgiven (Col. 1:14). I have been adopted as God's child (Eph 1:5)
What is most accurate and true? 1) what people say I am. 2)
what I say I am. 3) what God says I am
Romans 12:2 “And do not be conformed to this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that
good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
I renew my mind daily and by doing so I am transformed from
day to day, knowing who I am in Christ.
Free Yourself from the 'Treatment Merry Go Round'

I am confident and know my expertise, which is healing, and I am here to serve others with love, education and skillful service.
There seems to be a wonderful awareness that the model of 'Health Care' is actually Sick Care. The current 'Health Care' system is an allopathic medical care system that is wonderful for emergency and crisis interventions. It saves lives!!! It is also great for buying time and helping people who need some assistance dealing with a symptom or 'disease process'. Sick care saves lives everyday in emergency situations. Sick care is amazing in acute injuries and first aid scenarios. Sick care helps in crisis, emergencies, acute injuries, etc. However, Sick Care has failed miserably when it comes to health. Chronic disease has risen dramatically in the last 70 years (per capita) even though our genes have not changed at all, and despite more drugs and surgery (per capita) being used each and every year. The sick care model has failed to address our health. People are realizing that they want to get out of Sick Care and into real Health Care. Actually, as mentioned earlier, there is a place for both types of care in your life, and knowing how and when to apply the appropriate type of care for the desired outcome you want is vital.
What about Health Care? What about healing, health, wellness, and wholeness? What about creating health in your body?
The chronic degenerative diseases that the modern world is plagued with is ridiculous!!! Our current 'health care' system here in the states is a failed system when it comes to health performance and quality of life. Read the reports; we spend more than any other country, have the best technology, the best drugs, the best surgeons etc etc etc ... yet we rate 37th in overall health performance Moreover, statistically speaking each person is disabled in some form or another by the age of 63.
There is a point in time when a person reaches enough awareness that they will want something better...and that is when the treatment merry go round will be over. Is this you? perhaps you have experienced or are experiencing right now the treatment merry go round; you have some problem and get treatment, then you have another problem and get another treatment, then you have another problem and get treatment and then another and so on and so on. You go round and round and never seem to ever get in a good state of health. You can choose to get off the Treatment Merry Go Round. This blog post is designed to guide you so that you have the confidence to get well and stay well.
I do believe wholeheartedly that you can heal, get well and stay well. You will be able to stay away from the 'merry go round' of treatment to treatment to treatment... Free yourself from the treatment 'merry go round' and get well.
Let's get started!!!
Remember, your body is made up of cells...cells make tissues...tissues make organs...and organs make systems. Your cells each have a lifespan rate; which means the 'stuff' in a cell and the whole cell itself will die off and be replaced by new cell 'stuff' and new cells in it's place. For example, your skin cells take around 5 to 7 days to cycle...your muscles, ligaments, and tendons about 4 to 6 weeks (that is why when someone sprains their ankle it is usually about 4-6 weeks before they are back to 'normal' when just resting)...your entire skeleton can take up to 36 months!
The good news is that most of your cells are replaced within a year!!! So, you can rebuild a new you within a year : )
When your cells are replaced with new cells there are basically three ways that this process can happen. The cells will either be replaced by cells which are 1) worse, 2) the same, or 3) better. All healing is done by replacing 'sick', injured, stressed, or 'diseased' cells with healthy cells (better cells).
So, you may ask, how can I get my cells to be replaced by better cells?
That is the million dollar question my friend. You will read below the best way I have found to do this. I challenge anyone to put this to the test for 6 months to a year. Prove it wrong. If you genuinely do this with an open mind, I bet you will be forever grateful.
If you really be and do the following; your cells will get well and stay well:
1) Move Well:
----Work on 'stretching' and joint mobility, joint integrity, strength, etc... by following one of these programs/books:
- Core Performance: core performance book
- Todd Durkin's IMPACT Body Plan: Impact Body Plan Book
-Innate Physical Fitness and Spinal Hygiene by James Chestnut
-Ageless Mobility by Scott Sonnon ....
-Pain Free by Pete Egoscue
-The Genius of Flexibility by Bob Cooley
-Specific Stretching for Everyone by Aaron Mattes
---- Receive ongoing chiropractic care from a wellness chiropractor, so that your spine moves well (call me to help screen people in your area)
----strengthen your body with functional full body movements. The two books above, core performance and IMPACT, will cover everything you need to know about moving well. Do calisthenics, functional training, WholyFit, Slo Flow, yoga, tai chi and pilate type of exercises, I do Matt Jennings Boot Camps *** the Best!...
----walk, swim, cycle, jog, interval train...get moving
2) Eat Well:
- eat 50% raw local organic fruits and vegetables (50% volume of food)
-add these supplements from innate choice - foundational supplements - (fish
oil, probiotics, Organic Sufficiency, A and D)
- get a juicer or a vitamix and juice raw organic fruits and vegetables (organic local farms preferred, and juice reds, greens, yellows, and orange (color spectrum))
- drink 2-3liters of kangen water a day
- eat organic free range grass fed meats (local farms preferred) or
- do a cleanse twice a year
- my favorite books on the subject are The Innate Diet and The Paleo Answer
3) Think Well:
---- think more and more loving thoughts of connection - joy - gratitude - and embrace life with love
---- start a gratitude journal. record each day what you are grateful for
---- reprogram your brain:
-The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
-Evolve Your Brain by Joe Dispenza
-renew your mind daily
4) Optimize your Life/Nerve Energy:
- keep a clear and fully connected nerve system that integrates and processes all of your life with efficiency, precision, and ease by receiving ongoing chiropractic care from a principled chiropracTOR
this is the MOST underlooked area of peoples health! How great can nutrition work in the body if there is interference in the nerve system coordinating digestion and assimilation? ChiropracTIC is about Human Performance and Optimal Function... (call me if you would like me to screen the chiropractors in your area) please read this for further explanation: Spinal Hygiene..."All Systems Go!"
5) Spiritual Connection:
- recognize and grow your spiritual connection. Have a living relationship with God that is ongoing and 'talk' with God daily; pray and meditate.
6) Rest Properly:
- allow yourself to sleep well supported, with sufficient amounts of rest
7) Create loving nurturing relationships:
- healthy interaction with others
8) Have FUN!:
-Laugh and have a Joyful Heart
- make time to be creative and let inspiration flow...allow yourself to imagine opportunity and on a project for fun
- make time for recreation...enjoy participating in your favorite hobbies and activities...take a vacation
I also incorporate in my life ongoing Bodywork (massage) - from the standpoint of function in the body vs treatment of some sort of symptom....massage for the purpose of clearing out any muscle and fascial restrictions, so that you function better. I do what I do because I want my 'system' to function better, which leads to optimal function in my body and mind...and that is true health!
Lastly, and most importantly KNOW THYSELF. Know your identity, the real you inside your body-mind. The core of you, the essence, the divine power that took a sperm and an egg from your mother and father and created you! I am a Christian, we call this Spirit, and specifically being in the Spirit of Christ in God the Father allowing the Holy Spirit to move in my life! We are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience...our Body-Mind is a Vehicle that carries our Spirit, what kind of vehicle do you want? A broken down junker or a fine tuned beauty?
When you apply all the things written about in this post, and when you be these things... YOU WILL HEAL!!! It takes time and it takes work. If you do these things everyday, every week, and make this your lifestyle, YOU WILL HEAL!!!
The Trick: is to only focus on adding good stuff into your lifestyle. Instead of eliminating things you crave or enjoy, only add good stuff...example: eat raw vegetables with every meal instead of eliminating the donuts or ice cream or chips or cookies or soda. Focus only on adding good stuff in, and through time your cravings will slowly change. Make this a year project, and go slow and steady. Pick one thing a month to focus on. Each month add a new thing into your lifestyle and by the end of the year you will have 12 new things working for your increased health and well being! For example: 1st month - chiropractic, 2nd - a cup of raw vegetables with every meal, 3rd - start core performance or IMPACT, 4th - pray and meditate, 5th - commit to taking time for a hobby, 6th - juice or vita mix the color spectrum (red, green, yellow, orange, purple, blue), 7th - start a gratitude journal, 8th - focus on communicating something loving to each of your loved ones, 9th - probiotics, 10th - do a cleanse, 11th - Foam Roll (self myo-fascial release, in both books-core performance and IMPACT), 12th - make sure you are getting proper rest. Now in now way is this intended as a must do in this order...create your own 12 month plan. Start with something easy and build up each month! Remember the trick is adding good things, focusing on putting good into the 'system'!!!
Lastly, healing and treatment are different. Healing, regaining your health and well-being is a process and takes time. Once you heal and regain your health, keeping yourself well is a lifestyle, a being-ness that motivates the doing-ness that continues keeping yourself healthy and strong. You can do it, this is a reality for you.
many blessings,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Alkalize and Energize!!!
Alkalize and Energize!!!
Raw green leafy vegetables are excellent for alkalizing! Start with one cup of vegetables a day. After a month, increase to two cups a day, then in another month increase to three cups a day and so on...within 6 to 10 months you will be eating 6 to 10 cups a day. 6 to 10 cups a day of raw vegetables will not only build alkaline will have a lot more energy and better health from the inside out! Good nutrition helps every cell in your body work better!!!
The importance of PH:
Blood pH
pH (potential of hydrogen) is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. It is measured on a scale of 0 to 14—the lower the pH the more acidic the solution, the higher the pH the more alkaline (or base) the solution.
When a solution is neither acid nor alkaline it has a pH of 7 which is neutral. A healthy pH of 7.4 - 7.5 is desirable. When healthy, the pH of blood is 7.4, the pH of spinal fluid is 7.4, and the pH of saliva is 7.4. The pH of saliva parallels the extra cellular fluid... pH test of saliva represents the most consistent and most definitive physical sign of the ionic calcium deficiency syndrome.
It is important to understand that we are not talking about stomach acid or the pH of the stomach. We are talking about the pH of the body's fluids and tissues which is an entirely different matter.
Alkaline and Acid Forming Foods
The body needs both types of foods. However alkaline forming food should predominate over acid forming ones. Everyone is different, but for most, the ideal diet is 75 percent alkalizing and 25 percent acidifying foods by volume.
Acid forming foods meat, sugars, eggs and dairy and most grains, white flour and carbonated beverages are acid forming. Drugs are acid forming. Artificial chemical sweetener's like NutraSweet, Equal, or Aspartame, are extremely acid-forming.
Over acidity, which can become a dangerous condition that weakens all body systems, is very common today. It gives rise to an internal environment conducive to disease, as opposed to a pH-balanced environment which allows normal body function necessary for the body to resist disease. A healthy body maintains adequate alkaline reserves (Electrolytes) to meet emergency demands. When excess acids must be neutralized our alkaline reserves are depleted leaving the body in a weakened condition.
This condition forces the body to borrow the (Electrolyte) minerals-including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium-from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain, the body can suffer severe and prolonged damage due to high acidity, a condition that may go undetected for years.
Acid forming foods rob your body of critical electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium). These nutrients are critical for neutralizing acids. Only fresh fruits and vegetables are alkaline producing to help your body maintain a healthy pH balance.
Studies have consistently shown that heavy consumers of soft drinks (with or without sugar) lose huge amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals into their urine. The more mineral loss, the greater the risk for osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and a long list of degenerative diseases.
Don't Be Fooled
The foods we eat are digested and they break down into either an acid or an alkaline end-product in our tissues. This end-product is called the "ash" and is what remains in the body after the food has been broken down. Foods that produce an alkaline ash are called "alkaline forming food" whereas those producing acid ash are called "acid-forming" foods.
A food's acid or alkaline-forming tendency in the body has nothing to do with the actual pH of the food itself. For example: Though lemons, limes, and grapefruits are chemically acid, tests show that when they are metabolized in the body they actually have an alkalizing effect and are very beneficial. They are very mineral rich which causes an overall net effect of alkalinity when broken down in the body. They have very little sugar. And they contain an abundance of oxygen. Lemons are said to be the richest source of minerals and vitamins of any food or foods known to man.
Likewise, meat will test alkaline before digestion but it leaves very acidic residue in the body so, like nearly all animal products, meat is very acid-forming. Acid forming foods such as (meats, eggs, diary, white sugar and white flour, carbonated beverages and artificial chemical sweetener's like NutraSweet, Equal, or Aspartame) should be limited. Of course, you would do better with the least amount of meat and no milk products as they are very productive of mucus and hinder digestion and absorption of nutrients.
The internal balance of your pH is very important, unfortunately few medical practitioners in western medicine are aware of the major role it plays in causing diseases. Fresh organic fruits and vegetables are alkaline forming in the body and contain many electrolyte minerals that help to maintain a healthy pH balance of 7.4 and a reserve of critical electrolytes.
alkalizing the body fluids (raising pH) is one of the single most important health regeneration benefits available as disease causing microforms (fungi, bacteria, virus etc.) cannot survive in an alkaline oxygenated environment.
Click the link to learn about a very easy way to alkalize your body:

What is it?
The Divine Intelligent Energy that lives inside of your body
Where does it come from?
God? that is the question isn't it!!!
Where does it originate in your body?
The brain
How does it show up in your body?
Electrical energy
Where does it go?
To every cell of your body
How does it get there?
By way of your Nerve System
What does it do?
It powers your body, keeps you alive and 100% healthy
What happens if it gets interfered with?
Your Life connection is lessened and your body loses its full potential for health, healing, and vitality
What is one major way it gets interfered with?
How do you remove this interference?
Chiropractic Adjustments
What happens when this interference is removed?
Your Life connection is restored to a greater degree and you express more of your full potential for health, healing and vitality
What happens when you consistently remove this interference?
You consistently move towards a greater life connection and 100% health
: )
The Grow Light

“Life always changing,’s dynamic, ...the cells in your body are replacing themselves constantly, …you are never the same ‘you’, because you are constantly changing...the cells in your body have life spans...cells are always dying and being replaced by new are literally constantly growing and dying on the inside...the trick to health is to grow better”. These statements I seem to share often with the people I serve in my chiropractic practice Cafe of Life.
Did you ever stop to think about how amazing your body is? 50,000 of the cells in your body will die and be replaced with new cells, all while you have been reading this sentence! In 1 square inch of skin there lie 4 yards of nerve fibers, 1300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, 3 million cells, and 3 yards of blood vessels. Nerve impulses between the body and brain can travel as fast as 286 miles per hour. One human brain generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all of the world's telephones put together.
Wow, we are truly magnificent, and life is completely amazing. What is this wonderful and mysterious thing we call life? Well, one thing we know is that the life inside of us shows up as electrical energy in our nerve system. You see, the difference between a dead or alive person is the absence or presence of electrical energy in the nerve system. For instance, if I was to pass away from a natural cause - my corpse would have all the right parts, and all the right chemicals for life, but it wouldn't have LIFE inside of it. As stated before, the difference between someone alive and someone dead is the electrical energy that travels over the nerve system, and it’s this energy in the nerve system that gives power and function to the body. All of the amazing and wonderful things your body does are regulated by this energy in your brain and nerve system. This is why I call brain and nerve energy – Life Energy.
The nerve energy in your body is what is used to give life to each and every cell of your body. Your nerve energy is responsible for growing, healing, repairing, and coordinating all function in your cells. The nerve energy in your body is like a grow light. Think of an indoor garden with grow lights. If the light is full and in the proper amount, the plants will grow well (with good soil (food) and water of course). If the lights are shut off, the plants will wither and die. If the lights are too intense, the plants will eventually burn out and die. What if the lights are dimmed? The plants will wither, become weak and unhealthy. Well, this same thing is what often happens in people. Our nerve energy can be dimmed or over produced, and over time, weaken and get unhealthy. This is why chiropractic care is so important, because it helps turn on the nerve energy in the full and proper amounts to every part of the body. And when your nerve energy is working best, you are at your best.
The major reason I work with the spine as a chiropractor is because I am interested in the nerve energy. Your spine affects your nerve energy and your nerve energy affects your life. Everything you think, say, or do is perceived and carried out through your nerve system - everything. Your nerve energy controls your heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, muscles, eyes...everything. Simply put, better nerve energy creates a better life. This is why using chiropractic care as a lifestyle choice for better health and well being is so much more exciting, fun, and powerful than just using it for pain relief. Find a chiropractor who promotes wellness and get yourself adjusted regularly to keep the grow lights inside you working for your best life now!
(this is a simple analogy used to relate non-chiropractors to the concept of subluxation. for detailed neurophysiological function of the spine and nerve system read The Science and Logic of Chiropractic by Verner and/or The 14 Foundational Premises TM for the Scientific and Philosophical Validation of the Chiropractic Wellness Paradigm by Chestnut)
Thank you for reading and God Bless.
-Scott Lloyd, Chiropractor
Yeshi Donden
a story about Yeshi Donden...
Yeshi Donden was the long-time personal physician to HH the Dalai Lama. In this story, he visits a US hospital.
"I join the clutch of whitecoats waiting in the small conference room adjacent to the ward selected for the rounds. Yeshi Dhonden, we are told , will examine a patient selected by a member of the staff. The diagnosis is unknown to Yeshi Dhonden as it is to us. We are further informed that for the past two hours Yeshi Dhonden has purified himself by bathing, by fasting, and prayer. I, having breakfasted well, performed only the desultory of ablutions, and given no thought at all to my soul, glance furtively at my fellows. Suddenly we seem a soiled, uncouth lot.
The patient had been awakened early and told that she was to be examined by a foreign doctor, and had been asked to produce a fresh specimen of urine, so when we enter her room, the woman shows no surprise...
Yeshi Dhonden steps to the bedside while the rest stand apart, watching. For a long time he gazes at the woman, favoring no part of her body with his eyes, but seeming to fix his glance at a place just above her supine form. I, too, study her. No physical sign or obvious symptom gives a clue to the nature of her disease. At last he takes her hand, raising it in both of her own. Now he bends over the bed in kind of a crouching stance, his head drawn down into the collar of his robe. His eyes are closed as he feels for her pulse. In a moment he has found the spot, and for the next half hour he remains thus, suspended above the patient like some exotic bird with folded wings, holding the pulse of the woman beneath his fingers, cradling her hand in his. All the power of the man seems to have been drawn down into this one purpose. It is palpitation of the pulse raised to the state of ritual.
I cannot see their hands joined in a correspondence that is exclusive, intimate, his fingertips receiving the voice of her sick body through the rhythm and throb she offers at her wrist. All at once I am envious- not of him but of her. I want to be held like that, touched so, received. And I know that I who have palpated a hundred thousand pulses, have not felt a single one.
At last Yeshi Dhonden straightens, gently places the woman's hand upon the bed, and steps back. The interpreter produces a small wooden bowl and two sticks. Yeshi Dhonden pours a potion of the urine specimen into the bowl and proceeds to whip the liquid with two sticks. This he does for several minutes until a foam is raised. Then, bowing above the bowl, he inhales the odor three times. He sets down the bowl and turns to leave. All this while he has not uttered a word. As he nears the door, the woman raises her head and calls out to him. "Thank you doctor," she says, and touches with her other hand the place he had held on her wrist. Yeshi Dhonden turns back for a moment to gaze at her, then steps into the corridor. Rounds are at an end.
We are seated once more in the conference room. Yeshi Dhonden speaks now for the first time. He speaks of winds coursing through the body of the woman, currents that break against barriers, eddying. These vortices are in her blood, he says. The last spendings of an imperfect heart. Between the chambers of her heart, long long before she was born, a wind had come and blown open a deep gate that must never be opened. Through it charge the full waters of her river, as the mountain stream cascades in the springtime, battering, knocking loose the land, and flooding herbreath. Thus he speaks and is now silent..."
The host of the rounds speaks, with the diagnosis he has known: "Congenital heart disease, interventricular septal defect, with resultant heart failure."
from Mortal Lessons, a book by surgeon, Dr. Richard Selzer
Yeshi Donden was the long-time personal physician to HH the Dalai Lama. In this story, he visits a US hospital.
"I join the clutch of whitecoats waiting in the small conference room adjacent to the ward selected for the rounds. Yeshi Dhonden, we are told , will examine a patient selected by a member of the staff. The diagnosis is unknown to Yeshi Dhonden as it is to us. We are further informed that for the past two hours Yeshi Dhonden has purified himself by bathing, by fasting, and prayer. I, having breakfasted well, performed only the desultory of ablutions, and given no thought at all to my soul, glance furtively at my fellows. Suddenly we seem a soiled, uncouth lot.
The patient had been awakened early and told that she was to be examined by a foreign doctor, and had been asked to produce a fresh specimen of urine, so when we enter her room, the woman shows no surprise...
Yeshi Dhonden steps to the bedside while the rest stand apart, watching. For a long time he gazes at the woman, favoring no part of her body with his eyes, but seeming to fix his glance at a place just above her supine form. I, too, study her. No physical sign or obvious symptom gives a clue to the nature of her disease. At last he takes her hand, raising it in both of her own. Now he bends over the bed in kind of a crouching stance, his head drawn down into the collar of his robe. His eyes are closed as he feels for her pulse. In a moment he has found the spot, and for the next half hour he remains thus, suspended above the patient like some exotic bird with folded wings, holding the pulse of the woman beneath his fingers, cradling her hand in his. All the power of the man seems to have been drawn down into this one purpose. It is palpitation of the pulse raised to the state of ritual.
I cannot see their hands joined in a correspondence that is exclusive, intimate, his fingertips receiving the voice of her sick body through the rhythm and throb she offers at her wrist. All at once I am envious- not of him but of her. I want to be held like that, touched so, received. And I know that I who have palpated a hundred thousand pulses, have not felt a single one.
At last Yeshi Dhonden straightens, gently places the woman's hand upon the bed, and steps back. The interpreter produces a small wooden bowl and two sticks. Yeshi Dhonden pours a potion of the urine specimen into the bowl and proceeds to whip the liquid with two sticks. This he does for several minutes until a foam is raised. Then, bowing above the bowl, he inhales the odor three times. He sets down the bowl and turns to leave. All this while he has not uttered a word. As he nears the door, the woman raises her head and calls out to him. "Thank you doctor," she says, and touches with her other hand the place he had held on her wrist. Yeshi Dhonden turns back for a moment to gaze at her, then steps into the corridor. Rounds are at an end.
We are seated once more in the conference room. Yeshi Dhonden speaks now for the first time. He speaks of winds coursing through the body of the woman, currents that break against barriers, eddying. These vortices are in her blood, he says. The last spendings of an imperfect heart. Between the chambers of her heart, long long before she was born, a wind had come and blown open a deep gate that must never be opened. Through it charge the full waters of her river, as the mountain stream cascades in the springtime, battering, knocking loose the land, and flooding herbreath. Thus he speaks and is now silent..."
The host of the rounds speaks, with the diagnosis he has known: "Congenital heart disease, interventricular septal defect, with resultant heart failure."
from Mortal Lessons, a book by surgeon, Dr. Richard Selzer
Eat Well-Move Well-Think Well TM
Many of you know that James Chestnut MS DC CCWP has written four great books concerning evidence based wellness care (showing the scientific literature that supports wellness care for health and well being). Dr. Chestnut's work is excellent!!! I wish that everyone had the oppurtunity to learn this empowering information.
It boils down to these simple truths. The state or level of health we experience depends on the state or level of health of the cell. (The cells in our bodies are the basic unit of life. Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs make up systems). When our cells are healthy we experience health.
The question is then, what makes our cells healthy and what makes them unhealthy? In his books, James clearly answers this question. I will summarize it: Purity and Sufficiency is what makes the cells healthy...Toxicity and Deficiency is what makes the cells unhealthy. Interestingly enough, genetics is not responsible for the chronic degenerative diseases mostly all Americans face today. Yes, genetics is not responsible for the epidemic of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Yes, once again let me I need to go on. I urge people to attend my seminars or read Dr. Chestnut's books, because the general public is being dangerously misinformed!!!
Genetic disorders do exist i.e.: Downs Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, and Hemophelia are examples of genetic disorders because everytime someone has that genetic makeup they get the disorder. A million times out of a million. Perhaps I will write more sometime about Epigenetics, genomes, phenotypes and gene expression, however for now let us get back to eating well, moving well and thinking well.
The key to being more healthy is to focus on adding more purity and sufficiency into your life in respect to how you eat, move, and think. Focusing on eating well, moving well, and thinking well will create higher levels of health. You can start by adding raw organic fruits and vegetables into your meals, moving your body with whole body movements (walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, pilates, tai chi), and thinking loving thoughts of spiritual connection will create more health in your cells, thus make you a healthier you. Part of moving well is having a spine that moves well, and seeing a chiropractor regularly is paramount for the health of your cells!!!
As far as the toxicity and deficiency issue goes, follow this recommendation: the more purity and sufficiency you add (good stuff) the less toxicity and deficiency you will crave and accumulate (the bad stuff). Literally, focusing on adding the good stuff rather than worrying about the bad stuff. In addition to focusing on the good stuff it would be wise to detoxify and cleanse the body on a regular basis (toxins accumulate through time). There are many ways to do this, and maybe that will be a blog for another day. For simplicity sake, I would suggest having a raw day or two or three (or 30 days...see ) in which you would have only raw fruits and vegetables (locally grown organic is best, if possible). Another simple way to get the body to start detoxifying and cleansing is to use alkalized ionized water ( ).
I hope that this motivates you to implement more purity and sufficiency into your life and/or encourages you to read up on this information and learn more.
If you are a science minded individual and want to study this information and/or if you are a skeptic and need the science to feel ok with putting your trust into it, then I suggest you buy and read Dr. Chestnut's books, or attend one of my seminars, or start with these references: Eaton, S. Boyd MD & Konner, M. PhD. Paleolithic Nutrition: A consideration of its nature and implications. 1985: N. England Jounal of Medicine Vol: 312. Boothe et al. Waging war on physical inactivity: using modern molecular ammunition against an ancient enemy Jounal of Applied Physiology vol 93, 2002. Esch, T. et al.. The role of stress in neurodegenerative diseases and mental disorders. Neuro Endocrinology Letter. 2002 June; 23
many blessings
Many of you know that James Chestnut MS DC CCWP has written four great books concerning evidence based wellness care (showing the scientific literature that supports wellness care for health and well being). Dr. Chestnut's work is excellent!!! I wish that everyone had the oppurtunity to learn this empowering information.
It boils down to these simple truths. The state or level of health we experience depends on the state or level of health of the cell. (The cells in our bodies are the basic unit of life. Cells make up tissues, tissues make up organs, and organs make up systems). When our cells are healthy we experience health.
The question is then, what makes our cells healthy and what makes them unhealthy? In his books, James clearly answers this question. I will summarize it: Purity and Sufficiency is what makes the cells healthy...Toxicity and Deficiency is what makes the cells unhealthy. Interestingly enough, genetics is not responsible for the chronic degenerative diseases mostly all Americans face today. Yes, genetics is not responsible for the epidemic of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. Yes, once again let me I need to go on. I urge people to attend my seminars or read Dr. Chestnut's books, because the general public is being dangerously misinformed!!!
Genetic disorders do exist i.e.: Downs Syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, and Hemophelia are examples of genetic disorders because everytime someone has that genetic makeup they get the disorder. A million times out of a million. Perhaps I will write more sometime about Epigenetics, genomes, phenotypes and gene expression, however for now let us get back to eating well, moving well and thinking well.
The key to being more healthy is to focus on adding more purity and sufficiency into your life in respect to how you eat, move, and think. Focusing on eating well, moving well, and thinking well will create higher levels of health. You can start by adding raw organic fruits and vegetables into your meals, moving your body with whole body movements (walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, pilates, tai chi), and thinking loving thoughts of spiritual connection will create more health in your cells, thus make you a healthier you. Part of moving well is having a spine that moves well, and seeing a chiropractor regularly is paramount for the health of your cells!!!
As far as the toxicity and deficiency issue goes, follow this recommendation: the more purity and sufficiency you add (good stuff) the less toxicity and deficiency you will crave and accumulate (the bad stuff). Literally, focusing on adding the good stuff rather than worrying about the bad stuff. In addition to focusing on the good stuff it would be wise to detoxify and cleanse the body on a regular basis (toxins accumulate through time). There are many ways to do this, and maybe that will be a blog for another day. For simplicity sake, I would suggest having a raw day or two or three (or 30 days...see ) in which you would have only raw fruits and vegetables (locally grown organic is best, if possible). Another simple way to get the body to start detoxifying and cleansing is to use alkalized ionized water ( ).
I hope that this motivates you to implement more purity and sufficiency into your life and/or encourages you to read up on this information and learn more.
If you are a science minded individual and want to study this information and/or if you are a skeptic and need the science to feel ok with putting your trust into it, then I suggest you buy and read Dr. Chestnut's books, or attend one of my seminars, or start with these references: Eaton, S. Boyd MD & Konner, M. PhD. Paleolithic Nutrition: A consideration of its nature and implications. 1985: N. England Jounal of Medicine Vol: 312. Boothe et al. Waging war on physical inactivity: using modern molecular ammunition against an ancient enemy Jounal of Applied Physiology vol 93, 2002. Esch, T. et al.. The role of stress in neurodegenerative diseases and mental disorders. Neuro Endocrinology Letter. 2002 June; 23
many blessings
Greetings Everyone-
May this blog site serve to inform and empower us to move more and more into the love and light that we truly are.
many blessings
May this blog site serve to inform and empower us to move more and more into the love and light that we truly are.
many blessings
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