I have a question for you:
What do Hypertension, Tooth decay, Cancer, and Subluxation have in common?
That's right, feeling.
When does a person feel hypertension, tooth decay, cancer, and subluxation?
The answer is: after the dis-ease process has been breaking the body down for a long period of time, then one feels 'it'.
The point is this: basing your health on how you feel is shortsighted and often costly. Optimal health is optimal function, just as good health is good function, and poor health is poor function...
health = function = homeostasis (balance, harmony, and ease on a cellular level).
Some of you may be asking what is a subluxation anyway?
Subluxation is stress adaptation in the body that results in misalignments, tension, and/or loss of motion in one or more of the spinal segments. Simply put, when the spine is not working as good as it could.
Subluxation = misalignments, tension, and/or loss of motion in any of the spinal segments due to stress (physical stressors, emotional stressors, and chemical stressors). This stress and tension in the spine puts stress and tension in the nerve system. And when the nerve system has stress and tension in it, the brain and body communication system gets interfered with, causing the body to not work properly and breakdown. In addition, stress and tension in the spine puts stress and tension in the nerve system causing a decrease in nerve energy to the body, which in turn causes the body to breakdown and not work properly.
This is one of the reasons why chiropractors educate people about the importance of regular chiropractic care. Because damage can occur to your body without you even feeling it. I often teach this simple fact: you only feel 10% of your nerve system because 90% is for function and 10% is for feeling. This means 9 out of 10 times when there is stress and tension in the spine causing stress and tension in the nerve system you will feel nothing, zip, zero, nada!!! Subluxation, just like cancer, heart disease, and tooth decay will show no signs or symptoms for long periods of time even though damage is being done on a cellular level. People often feel great for years to only find out one day that they have some major health problem that went undetected for years. This is why we urge you to get your spine checked even when you feel great.
You see, regular chiropractic care is so important for your overall well being. Regular chiropractic care along with regular spinal hygiene exercises is like brushing and flossing the spine. Just like brushing and flossing the teeth, it is wise to 'brush and floss' the spine. Just like good dental hygiene is important, so is good spinal hygiene. As a matter of fact, it is my humble opinion that it is more important to have good spinal hygiene because teeth are replaceable and the spine isn't.
I really do hope you are feeling me on this one.
It is good spinal hygiene that prevents spinal degeneration, nerve interference and total body breakdown. If you have not already considered this, please consider making chiropractic care a healthy lifestyle choice for you and your family. Participate regularly. Regular chiropractic care is a proactive approach to being healthy, preventing disease and promoting well being.
Many Blessings to you and your loved ones,
Scott Lloyd, Chiropractor
Cafe of Life
Helping Families Create Health, Happiness, & Well Being