Proper structure of the spine is required for proper function of the nervous system as it relates to the control and regulation of global physiology (total body function) and health. - from the book: The 14 Foundational PremisesTM for the Scientific and Philosophical Validation of the Chiropractic Wellness Paradigm. James L. Chestnut B.eD., MSc., D.C., CCWP
The nerve system consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and neurotransmitters. Your nerve system is what is used by the intelligent life inside of you to control and coordinate all functions in your body. All systems in the body communicate with each other and the brain via the nerve system. The nerve system is known as the master control system, it controls and regulates everything…the immune system, circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, endocrine system, muscular system, skeletal system, reproductive system, and excretory system all need the nerve system to function properly so they can function properly.
The spine protects the spinal cord and allows nerve roots to exit and branch out to all areas of the body. The spine is designed to move and be in alignment. When the spine is aligned and moving well there is clear and optimal nerve system energy and function. When the spine is misaligned and/or restricted in movement there is interference in nerve system energy and function. This is vital, since the nerve system is the master system that controls and coordinates all functions of the body, it is very important to take care of the spine because the spine directly affects the nerve system. In short, the spine affects the nerve system, and the nerve system affects the whole body!
When the spine is misaligned or restricted in movement it is called a subluxation. This loss of motion and/or alignment in the spine causes the body to break down at an increased rate. Specifically, a subluxation causes: 1) a decrease in health promoting signals to the brain (proprioception) 2) an increase in stress signals to the brain (nocioception) 3) a break down and degeneration of the spine and related structures 4) an interference in nerve system function and energy. 5) overall breakdown and degeneration of the whole body (systems, organs, tissues, and cells)
Good spinal hygiene clears out subluxations in the spine. Good spinal hygiene requires these two things on an ongoing basis:
1) exercises that strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine (core spinal hygiene exercises)
2) and MOST IMPORTANTLY chiropractic adjustments to remove interference to the nerve system. The intelligent life inside of you uses these adjustments to get the spine aligned and moving properly (free up any restrictions in movement of the spine). ChiropracTIC and core spinal hygiene exercises work together to retrain the spine into optimal alignment and allow freedom of movement on each spinal level.
When chiropractic and core spinal hygiene exercises are performed regularly it removes nerve interference, restores proper spinal function, restores proper nerve system function, which in turn restores proper function to all systems in the body…
When you have good Spinal Hygiene, you have Clear Nerve System Energy and Function, and you have "ALL SYSTEMS GO!".
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