Kevin Donka and I were talking on a coaching call and he shared the concept of the three R's. I thought how simple and profound the three R's are. So here it is: Restore, Reestablish, and Resume.
Consistent ongoing chiropractic care restores spinal function, which will reestablish the connection between you and your body, so the body can resume healing.
This blog site is designed to facilitate healing, health, wellness, and wholeness.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Cleansing and The Master Cleanse

Cleansing is a great part of any health promoting lifestyle. To start, pick a day and eat only raw local grown organic fruits and vegetables...this will be cleansing. Then pick a few days or even a week and do the same. From here you can move on to juicing, pick a day and juice raw local grown organic fruits and vegetables...this is cleansing. Then pick a few days or even a week and do the same.
Some points of information:
Use greens when juicing: kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, parsley, beet greens, etc.
Those with blood sugar challenges will usually do fine with the 'liquid food' cleanse. If not, eat a teaspoon to 2 tablespoons of avacado with each serving of 'liquid food'.
Below is a cleanse I do twice a year. It is a very easy cleanse to do, because you can make everything you need in the morning, and take it with you all day long (see bottom of this blog for details), and it will satisfy your physical will fill you up if you try to drink a gallon a day (most people find impossible to get in a whole gallon a day...they are too full)
for the whole book in pdf format click here:
To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion that have formed in the body.
To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.
To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.
To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.
To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels.
To build a healthy blood stream.
To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years.
When sickness has developed— for all acute and chronic conditions.
When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing.
When overweight has become a problem.
When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.
Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more— up to 40 days and beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy condition. The diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions.
One serving:
-2 Tablespoons juice from fresh organic from lemons
-2 Tablespoons organic grade b 100% maple syrup
-1/10 Teaspoon(400 mg) cayenne pepper (40,000 heat units or more, buy capsules-open them up)
-10 oz purified water, room temp, (purified water or distilled—distilled is best for this cleanse)
One quart:
You can combine 3 servings: (juice, maple syrup, water and cayenne pepper) in a glass quart jar (30oz of the drink). Shake it up and drink. (Cold water may be used if preferred.) Must use glass!!! Plastic will leach harmful toxins.
*(you can use a product called cool cayenne if needed)
Take six to twelve servings of the lemonade drink daily during the waking period (at least six). Drink one glass at least every hour and a half for best results. As you get hungry just have another serving of the lemonade drink. NO OTHER FOOD SHOULD BE TAKEN DURING THE FULL PERIOD OF THE DIET. As this is a complete balance of minerals and vitamins, one does not suffer the pangs of hunger. Do not use vitamin pills. All solid food is turned into a liquid state before the blood can carry it to the cells. The lemonade is already a food in liquid form. For those who are overweight, less maple syrup may be taken. For those underweight, more maple syrup may be taken. For those who are underweight and worried about losing more weight, REMEMBER, the only things you can possible lose are mucus; waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be eliminated. Many people who need to gain weight actually do so near the end of the diet period. Never vary the amount of lemon juice per serving. About six servings of lemonade a day is enough for those wishing to reduce. Extra water may be taken as desired.
As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist Nature to eliminate poisons, the better. IF YOUR SYSTEM FEELS UPSET, IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HAVING SUFFICIENT ELIMINATION. Avoid this possibility by following these directions completely (laxative tea and salt water cleanse-see next page). Above all, be sure you have two, three, or more movements a day. This may seem unnecessary not eating solid food, but it is Nature’s way of eliminating the waste it has loosened from the various cells and organs in the body. They must leave the body some way. It would be just the same as sweeping the floor around and around and never removing the dirt from the house if the wastes were not passed out. The better the elimination, the more rapid will be the results.
-A LAXATIVE HERB TEA is found to be the best helper for most persons. It is a good practice to take a good laxative herb tea right from the beginning— the last thing at night and first thing in the morning. There are several good laxative teas. They are best taken in a liquid form. Buy them in your health food store.
As it is necessary to bathe the outside of our bodies, so it is with the inside. Do not take enemas or colonics at any time during the cleansing diet or afterwards. They are unnecessary and can be extremely harmful. There is a much superior method of cleansing the colonic tract without the harmful effects of customary colonics and enemas. This method will cleanse the entire digestive tract while the colonics and enemas will only reach the colon or a small part of it. Colonics can be expensive while our salt-water method is not. DIRECTIONS: Prepare a full quart of lukewarm water and add two level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt. Do not use ordinary iodized salt, as it will not work properly. Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach (you can lick a cut lemon to make your taste buds tart, then drink the salt water - this is a trick that makes it a lot easier to drink the salt water). The salt and water will not separate but will stay intact and quickly and thoroughly wash the entire tract in about one hour. Several eliminations will likely occur. The salt water has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt. This may be taken as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive system. If the salt water does not work the first time, try adding a little more or a little less salt until the proper balance is found; or possible take extra water with or without salt. This often increases the activity. Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The colon needs a good washing, but do it the natural way—the salt water way. It is quite advisable to take the herb laxative tea at night to loosen, then the salt water each morning to wash it out. If for some reason the salt water cannot be taken in the morning, then the herb laxative tea must be taken night and morning.
-You must use all organic ingredients!!!
-You must use purified water (distilled, reverse osmosis, or KDF w Carbon is also good), I use kangen water 8.5 for my mixture.
-You must use glass containers (mason jars are good).
-You must drink at least six servings of the lemonade drink a day (6 to 12 servings a day).
-You must eliminate 2 or more times a day, by the aid of laxative teas and the salt water flush.
-You must also drink additional purified water throughout the day ( drink 6 to 12 glasses (8oz).
If you follow all these steps you are going to have a successful cleanse, and will do a world of difference to help clean out and rebuild your body.
Lastly, a quick and easy way to make the drink each morning:
--Start with a gallon jug, I bought an amber gallon jug (amber blocks light) , or you can buy a gallon jug of wine and dump it out, clean the bottle and you are ready to go.
--Juice 6 organic lemons in a juicer, put in gallon jug
--Put 4.5-9oz of maple syrup in a measuring cup (1tbs=1/2oz), as stated above if you desire more weight loss you may cut back to 1tbs per serving, and for our purposes with a gallon jug, we are getting 9 servings total...pour maple syrup in gallon jug
--Take 5-10 capsules of cayenne, depending on preference (remember you can use cool cayenne too). I use natural factors cayenne, because my friend Pete at Natures Nutrition always has it. I break the capsules open and put in gallon jug.
--Fill the rest of the jug with purified water. Now you have 9 servings for the whole day!!! Shake well before each use.
So, there you have it.
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